Oh hello! Time for a second wave update from EBI.
I’m terribly sad to announce that our home studio on Sixth Ave. in Kitchener will not be available for indoor photo shoots during fall 2020, although we ARE offering outdoor sessions. It is simply not possible to safely separate the studio space from our home space at this time.
For now, it will remain a sewing studio where I make masks and gowns for the pandemic. (This will please my husband, who for once, will not have to endure fake snow in every nook and cranny of our house following the holiday rush.)
Fortunately, we still have a window of time for outdoor portraits this fall. The leaves are just reaching their most colourful peak. Friends, now is the time to get your seasonal photos done. I have space for a couple of sessions with immediate families in the tri-city area during the Thanksgiving weekend. Since nothing is certain this season, the sooner we shoot, the better. If updating your family portraits is something you’ve been thinking about, I recommend that you get in touch asap.
As for COVID precautions, I’ve got several new policies in place to protect my clients. So far, our outdoor, socially distanced sessions are going really well. Family portraits are feeling extra special. Extra love-filled and important. Each family’s health needs are very unique so I’ll always check in with you about the details before we work together.
In general, I’m reducing the use of props, encouraging touchless, distanced sessions, I frequently stop to sanitize my hands when shooting, and I’ll probably be wearing a mask during our session. Despite these little changes, we are still turning out some great images this season. I am treasuring each session, knowing it could be the last one for awhile.
Hopefully we’ll be able to keep on doing outdoor photo shoots until after the snow flies. Fingers crossed. I’ll be announcing details for styled outdoor fall AND holiday minis in the coming days. Both will be by appointment starting October 11th, on the grounds of @adayliagardens just outside of Maryhill, Ontario. Oh, and I’ve also had the pleasure of doing some really unique personal branding sessions during September. I’m always available for head shots and website photography in addition to family portraits. I’m very excited to see what we can accomplish together this fall! Don’t you just love autumn?
Have a safe and snuggly season!